/media/bill/PROJECTS/2019 IJCNN Budapest/Publications/CrossCheck/CrossCheck - example paper comments 20301-20520.txt www.BillHowell.ca 19Jan2019 initial This document serves as a detailed proof of CrossCheck analysis of selected IJCNN2019 papers. ******************************************** QUICK SUMMARY OF HOWELL'S ASSESSMENTS overall similarities given as (example) "59.0% (75%)" - first is CrossCheck, second is my own eyeball guess My estimates should generally be lower as I don't include the references, but then I don't include sapce of images. REJECT as serious attempt to republish a paper or a HOAX!!!? (possible author bans? but I don't think these are authors) N-20471.pdf 98%, REJECT as serious attempt to republish a paper or a HOAX!!!? : 20471 123558@qq.com N-20442.pdf 96%, REJECT as serious attempt to republish a paper or a HOAX!!!? Check ALL ! : Serban Iulian [20442 serban@gmail.com, 19973 allen@gmail.com] N-20466.pdf, N-20468.pdf 96%, REJECT BOTH as serious attempts to republish [AAAI-16. Elsevier] papers or HOAX!!!? Check ALL ! : 20466, 20468 nicolasparisi90@gmail.com, N-20306.pdf 94.0%, REJECT as serious attempt to republish a paper or a HOAX!!!? : enrique.fan34@gmail.com Reject as similarities too high, N-20473.pdf 59.0% (75%), REJECT - similarities are from non-authors, mostly short phrase-level similarity with one paragraph, but a few most-paragraph copies N-20406.pdf 52.0% (50%), Reject unless reword or cite own previous work, Previous author papers account for essentially all similarity, paragraphs & sentences, other authors <=3% similarity N-20331.pdf 87.0%, Reject - almost all text is in paragraph chunks from other uncited papers, 49% same authors, >49% self-cited, non-author similarities too Reject arXiv-like postings that are not currently allowed by the IEEE : N-20417.pdf 58.0% (39%), Reject? OK only if biorxiv.org is accepted by IEEE!! biorxiv.org pre-posted, other diverse authors <=5% similarity combined Normal reject, but possible OK? N-20386.pdf 52.0% (45%), Reject? Borderline case - my estimate of similarity is in acceptable range, also OK if high self-plagiarism in Introduction acceptable, >70% (?) of similarity is from authors' previous paper, paragraphs in Intro mostly, sentences elsewhere N-20478.pdf 51.0% (37%), Reject? Borderline case - my estimate of similarity is in acceptable range, most similarities are from other authors OK - arXiv pre-publication by same authors N-20486.pdf 86.0%, OK - arXiv paper by same authors N-20337.pdf 83.0%, OK - arXiv paper by same author, other similarities <=4% but add <= 1% to overall similarity N-20382.pdf 82.0%, OK - arXiv paper by same authors, other similarities <=3% but add <= 2% to overall N-20318.pdf 57.0%, OK - arXiv paper by same authors, other sources <=3% similarity Time required to check for papers with >= 50% similarity : 18Jan2019 8 analysis in 1.8 hours ~= 15 minutes per analysis, (versus 15-30 minutes including past analysis) 2 batches in 2.0 hours ~= 1 hour per batch of 100 papers for [zip download, upload to CrossCheck] To generate the list above : $ grep "^>>>>> Howell : N-" "/media/bill/PROJECTS/2019 IJCNN Budapest/Publications/CrossCheck/CrossCheck - Howell paper comments 20301-20520.txt" | sed 's/>>>>> Howell : / /g' Then sort list into [problems, to check, OK] ******************************************** Howell's detailed assessments ******************** N-20471.pdf 98 <.IJCNN paper authors' names.> <.IJCNN paper title.> >>>>> Howell : N-20471.pdf 98%, REJECT as serious attempt to republish a paper or a HOAX!!!? : 20471 123558@qq.com ******************** N-20442.pdf 96 <.IJCNN paper authors' names.> <.IJCNN paper title.> >>>>> Howell : N-20442.pdf 96%, REJECT as serious attempt to republish a paper or a HOAX!!!? Check ALL ! : Serban Iulian [20442 serban@gmail.com, 19973 allen@gmail.com] ******************** N-20466.pdf 96% <.IJCNN paper authors' names.> <.IJCNN paper title.> N-20468.pdf 96% Parisi Nicolas and Nicolas Parisi Deep Neural Adaptation of Sparsity in Multimodal Observations >>>>> Howell : N-20466.pdf, N-20468.pdf 96%, REJECT BOTH as serious attempts to republish [AAAI-16. Elsevier] papers or HOAX!!!? Check ALL ! : 20466, 20468 nicolasparisi90@gmail.com, ******************** N-20306.pdf 94.0 <.IJCNN paper authors' names.> <.IJCNN paper title.> >>>>> Howell : N-20306.pdf 94.0%, REJECT as serious attempt to republish a paper or a HOAX!!!? : enrique.fan34@gmail.com ******************** N-20331.pdf 87.0 <.IJCNN paper authors' names.> <.IJCNN paper title.> Overall view : Previous author paper accounts for most of similarity, phrases mostly, rare sentences strong similarity : [ALL] 49% ~60 sources >=3% similarity, mostly authors and many <3% 49% https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7966046 <.Other paper authors' names.> <.Other paper title.> >> same authors 24% https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-26535-3 <.Other paper authors' names.> <.Other paper title.> >> same authors 23% https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-26535-3_25 >> same authors More from same authors : 23, 23, 13, 13% from NIPS 2011 paper uncertain non-author 8% from 12 sources >= 2% similarity, many many more <2%, mix of authors and non-authors many other groups of <6% similarity (not investigated) >>>>> Howell : N-20331.pdf 87.0%, Reject - almost all text is in paragraph chunks from other uncited papers, 49% same authors, >49% self-cited, non-author similarities too ******************** N-20486.pdf 86.0%, <.IJCNN paper authors' names.> <.IJCNN paper title.> 83% http://export.arxiv.org/pdf/1901.00525 <.Other paper authors' names.> <.Other paper title.> No other high similarity sources >>>>> Howell : N-20486.pdf 86.0%, OK - arXiv paper by same authors ******************** N-20337.pdf 83.0% <.IJCNN paper authors' names.> <.IJCNN paper title.> 83% 11 sources >= 4% similarity, many others <= 1% 82% http://export.arxiv.org/pdf/1812.1131 Performance of Three Slim Variants of The Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Layer Daniel Kent and Fathi Salem 5% http://export.arxiv.org/pdf/1901.00525 <.Other paper authors' names.> <.Other paper title.> 4% http://export.arxiv.org/list/cs.LG/new >> different but unknown authors 4% http://export.arxiv.org/list/cs.AI/new >> different but unknown authors 4% http://export.arxiv.org/list/cs/new >> different but unknown authors 4% http://export.arxiv.org/list/cs.NE/new maybe 30 other similarities <1% >>>>> Howell : N-20337.pdf 83.0%, OK - arXiv paper by same author, other similarities <=4% but add <= 1% to overall similarity ******************** N-20382.pdf 82.0%, <.IJCNN paper authors' names.> <.IJCNN paper title.> +-----+ 80% 15 sources, 1 @ 80%, 3 @ 3%, 11 @ 2% 80% http://export.arxiv.org/pdf/1901.01015 <.Other paper authors' names.> <.Other paper title.> >> same authors >>>>> Howell : N-20382.pdf 82.0%, OK - arXiv paper by same authors, other similarities <=3% but add <= 2% to overall ******************** 18Jan2019 16:39 stop here ... ...resume with CrossCheck web-page 2 ******************** N-20473.pdf 59.0%, <.IJCNN paper authors' names.> <.IJCNN paper title.> Overall view : Mostly short phrase-level similarity with one paragraph, but a few most-paragraph copies strong similarity (>=50%) : [none ] moderate (30% < similarity <50%) : [none ] low (<30%) : [ALL] My eyeball estimate of overall text similarity (not including References) = sum(%similar*pagelength) / sum(pagelength) : = / [100 * sum EACHBOTH *, sum second] (0.4 1 0.85 0.85 0.4 0) (0.6 0.8 0.6 1 0.4 0) = 75 +-----+ 18% >40 sources, 1 @ 16%, rest <= 1% 16% https://arxiv.org/pdf/1707.07998.pdf <.Other paper authors' names.> <.Other paper title.> >> one common author +-----+ 10% ~30 sources, 5 of (2% <= similarity <= 10%), rest <= 1% 10% http://docplayer.net/34831335-Arxiv-v5-cs-cl-10-jun-2016.html <.Other paper authors' names.> <.Other paper title.> >> different authors 7% 4% same as 10% above 9% https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Neural-Machine-Translation-of-Rare-Words-with-Units-Sennrich-Haddow/1518039b5001f1836565215eb047526b3ac7f462 <.Other paper authors' names.> <.Other paper title.> >> different authors - same source as above! 9% same as above <.Other paper authors' names.> <.Other paper title.> +-----+ 7% https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/8/5/739/htm <.Other paper authors' names.> <.Other paper title.> >> different authors >>>>> Howell : N-20473.pdf 59.0% (75%), REJECT - similarities are from non-authors, mostly short phrase-level similarity with one paragraph, but a few most-paragraph copies ******************** N-20417.pdf 58.0%, <.IJCNN paper authors' names.> <.IJCNN paper title.> Overall view : Previous author paper accounts almost all similarity, mostly paragraphs strong similarity (>=50%) : [Abstract, Introduction, Discussion References, ] moderate (30% < similarity <50%) : [Material & method BCG, Research Status, ] low (<30%) : [Material & method ADEF, Results,] My eyeball estimate of overall text similarity (not including References) = sum(%similar*pagelength) / sum(pagelength) : = / [100 * sum EACHBOTH *, sum second] (0.2 0.75 0.05 0.25 0.35 0.6 0.75 1) (0.6 0.8 1 0.65 0.5 0.75 0.3 0) = 38.75 33% 1 source mostly, others <=1% 33% https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/11/24/475855 <.Other paper authors' names.> <.Other paper title.> >> 3/4 same authors All other source groups <= 1% >>>>> Howell : N-20417.pdf 58.0% (39%), Reject? OK only if biorxiv.org is accepted by IEEE!! biorxiv.org pre-posted, other diverse authors <=5% similarity combined ******************** N-20318.pdf 57.0%, <.IJCNN paper authors' names.> <.IJCNN paper title.> Overall view : arXiv paper by same authors strong similarity (>=50%) : [References, ] moderate (30% < similarity <50%) : [Research Status, ] low (<30%) : [Abstract, Intro, III Identification model, Experimental, Conclusions] My eyeball estimate of overall similarity (not including References) : 60%? (no need to do carefully) 49% 1 souce 47%, >20 all <= 3% 47% http://export.arxiv.org/pdf/1810.12069 <.Other paper authors' names.> <.Other paper title.> >> same authors, same paper >>>>> Howell : N-20318.pdf 57.0%, OK - arXiv paper by same authors, other sources <=3% similarity ******************** N-20386.pdf 52.0%, <.IJCNN paper authors' names.> <.IJCNN paper title.> Overall view : Previous author paper accounts for most of similarity, several paragraphs strong similarity (>=50%) : [References, ] moderate (30% < similarity <50%) : [oops ] low (<30%) : [oops ] My eyeball estimate of overall text similarity (not including References) : = sum(%similar*pagelength) / sum(pagelength) = / [100 * sum EACHBOTH *, sum second] (0.75 0.25 0.6 0.2 0.2) (0.66 1 1 0.4 0.25) = 44.5619 34% 1 source 34%, 45 sources 1% < sim <= 4% 34% https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7727599 <.Other paper authors' names.> <.Other paper title.> >> primary author same, others different 3% 2 (same) sources 1% < sim <= 3%, 4 <= 1% 3% https://academic.oup.com/jamia/article/25/3/321/4636780 <.Other paper authors' names.> <.Other paper title.> >> different authors, experimental description >>>>> Howell : N-20386.pdf 52.0% (45%), Reject? Borderline case - my estimate of similarity is in acceptable range, also OK if high self-plagiarism in Introduction acceptable, >70% (?) of similarity is from authors' previous paper, paragraphs in Intro mostly, sentences elsewhere ******************** N-20406.pdf 52.0%, <.IJCNN paper authors' names.> <.IJCNN paper title.> Overall view : Previous author papers account for essentially all similarity, paragraphs & sentences strong similarity (>=50%) : [III DN-2 framewk BC, III DN-2 Algorithm, Experiments, References, ] moderate (30% < similarity <50%) : [Research Status, Conclusions, ] low (<30%) : [Abstract, Intro, II Liberate symbols, III DN-2 A framewk , ] My eyeball estimate of overall text similarity (not including References) : = sum(%similar*pagelength) / sum(pagelength) : = / [100 * sum EACHBOTH *, sum second] (0.2 0.1 0.1 0.50 0.85 0.6 0.9 0.7) (0.6 0.95 0.75 0.85 1 1 0.7 0.6) = 49.845 first group : 35% 1 @ 35%, 1 @ 12%, rest <=4% mostly same authors 35% https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8611300 <.Other paper authors' names.> <.Other paper title.> >> same authors 12% https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8489455 <.Other paper authors' names.> <.Other paper title.> >> same authors rest of groups : <= 4%, same authors >>>>> Howell : N-20406.pdf 52.0% (50%), Reject unless reword or cite own previous work, Previous author papers account for essentially all similarity, paragraphs & sentences, other authors <=3% similarity ******************** N-20478.pdf 51.0%, <.IJCNN paper authors' names.> <.IJCNN paper title.> Overall view : Previous author paper accounts for most of (very low) similarity, phrases mostly, rare sentences strong similarity (>=50%) : [Abstract, II Related work, III Ball CDO, References, ] moderate (30% < similarity <50%) : [Intro, ] low (<30%) : [IV Spiking neuron, V Systm execution, Conclusions, ] My eyeball estimate of overall text similarity (not including References) = sum(%similar*pagelength) / sum(pagelength) : = / [100 * sum EACHBOTH *, sum second] (0.6 0.55 0.2 0 0.2) (0.6 1 0.8 0.4 0.15) = 37.2881 3 groups of sources @ [33%, 6%, 4%] 33% >50 sources, 25 >= 5% similarity, 33% https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8556772 <.Other paper authors' names.> <.Other paper title.> >> different authors 24% https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8268748 <.Other paper authors' names.> <.Other paper title.> >> different authors, same as 33% above 21% https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7946637 <.Other paper authors' names.> <.Other paper title.> >> different authors, similar to 33% above many of remainder are from authors of 33% above most other groups of sources refer to same authors of 33% above >>>>> Howell : N-20478.pdf 51.0% (37%), Reject? Borderline case - my estimate of similarity is in acceptable range, most similarities are from other authors ******************** 19Jan2019 11:28 - break as all >=50% have been done come back for <50% later if I have the time # enddoc